Frequently asked questions

Please find below answers to frequently asked questions about selecting, sowing and growing our wildflower seed mixes.

For more information on sowing, please check out our comprehensive Meadow Flowers 'How to Sow' wildflower seed mixes guide.

If you have any other questions about our wildflower seed mixes please do get in touch. Scroll down to the form below the FAQs and submit an online enquiry, or call our friendly team on 0491 606 692.

Thank you.

General questions

How much seed do I need?

It depends how much area you’re covering. We recommend 2-3 grams per square meter, as this will ensure great flowering coverage, and inhibit any weeds from coming up. 

For example, if you have 30 square meters, we recommend 60-90 grams of seeds.

What size seeds do you offer?

We offer our mixtures in 7 different sizes:

- 15g

- 25g

- 50g

- 100g

- 250g

- 500g

How do I sow my seeds?

Check out our How to Sow page to ensure best results when sowing.  This will give you a step by step guide of preparing, maintaining and caring for your flower bed.

If you have any specific questions or queries in relation to your area, you can call us at 0491 606 692.

When can I sow my seeds?

Our seeds are safe to sow at anytime of the year, avoiding frost. 

We recommend Autumn or Spring sowing.

If you sow our seeds in Spring, they will flower in early Summer and onwards. If you sow our seeds in Autumn, then they will have some extra time to germinate, which will reward you with a few extra weeks of flowering in late spring.

Do you have to reseed/replant every year?

It depends on the mix! If you have an annuals mix, then they will only flower for one year. Some seeds may drop and re-flower for the following year, but there’s no guarantee.

If you have an annuals with perennials mix, then the annuals will flower for the first year, and the perennials will flower from the second year onwards, for many years.

We have a selection of both kinds of mixes available.

When should I expect my wildflowers to flower?

The exact bloom time of our mixtures will vary due to each specific area and circumstance. Our mixtures contain up to 40 different species that are all designed to flower at different times, to give you a staggered and always-changing garden. You can expect flowering from late Spring all the way through to Autumn.

If you have an annuals with perennials mixture, please note that the perennials will not bloom the first season – only the annuals will. The perennials take this time during the first year to establish their roots, so they can flower from the second year onwards, for years to come.

My flowers have finished flowering, what happens now?

It depends on the mix that’s been sown.

If it’s a mixture with Annuals and Perennials, then the first year the annuals will flower while the perennials establish themselves. In the first fall, you should trim them down to 15cm. This will invigorate the perennials for the coming Spring to ensure a great and successful flowering. In the spring the Perennials will flower. 

Annuals only flower for one year, although some will drop seeds and re-establish themselves for the next coming spring.

Help with mixes

I have a space I’d like to prepare but doesn’t receive much sun. Do you have a mix suitable for this?

Yes we do! We recommend our Flowers for Shady Places mix, as it only requires 1-2 hours minimum of sun daily. Alternatively, Wildflower Key to Success can withstand part shade, as it’s capable of handling demanding positions.

I live in difficult conditions, with bad soil. Which mixes would you recommend?

We have a few mixes that are specifically designed to withstand harsh Australian Conditions. 

Hardy Meadow Garden is an annual with perennial that’s tough enough for Australian conditions.

Wildflower Key to Success is another option as it’s capable of handling demanding positions and soil. It’s an annual with perennial dwarf mix as well, growing only as high as 40cm.

I'm looking to attract bees, butterflies and all sorts of pollinators. Which mixes would you recommend?

We have multiple mixes specifically designed to attract bees, butterflies and pollinators.  They are:

- Bee Friendly

- Flowers for Bees and Co.

- Low Growing Flowers for Bees

- Honey and Butterfly

My soil is acidic, sandy and silty. Do you have a mix that would thrive in these conditions?

Yes! One of our newest additions to our wild flower line is Flowers for Sandy and Silty Soil.

This flower mixture is specially designed for revegetating area of porous sandy-loam with a pH that is less than 6.5, perfect for troublesome, acidic, drained soil.

I'm looking to plant meadow flowers along my vineyard or fruit/veggie patch. Which mixes should I buy?

We would recommend our Beneficial Insect Mix. This integrated pest management (IPM) flower mix is specifically designed to attract insects who will attack those unwanted pests.

This seed mix is ideal for planting alongside your vineyards and fruit/vegetable patch, as it helps beneficial insects find food and shelter near plants that need protection.

I have areas in my garden that receive part sun/shade - do you have a mix that can withstand shade?

We have two mixes to choose from that can withstand part shade. These mixes require only a minimum of 1-2 hours of sunlight a day:

- Flowers for Shady Places

- Wildflower Key to Success

My area is swampy and floods easily. Do you have a mix suitable for this?

Flowers for Wetlands is the best solution for these types of conditions.

Best suited for retention ponds, this mixture is designed to thrive in wetlands and cool spots such as swampy grounds and retention ponds.

Do you have any dwarf mixes?

Yes, we have multiple!

- Flowering Ground Cover is 20-40cm

- Low Growing Flowers for Bees 20-30cm

- Wildflower Key to Success 10-60cm

I live in WA. Do you have any mixes permitted in WA?

We’re happy to have the ability to cater to our customers Australia-wide, including those in Western Australia!

We have a designated section in our shop for all mixes permitted for import into WA. Some are modified versions of our current mixes that have a few species omitted (labelled WA), while others have no modifications as all of the species in them are safe for entry into WA (no WA in the label).

Expect an additional delay for shipment to WA as per Quarantine Inspection checks.

I live in TAS. Do you have any mixes permitted in TAS?

We’re happy to have the ability to cater to our customers Australia-wide, including those in Tasmania! We’re now a certified seed importer for Tasmania.

We have a designated section in our shop for all mixes permitted for import into Tasmania.

Expect an additional delay for shipment to Tasmania as per Quarantine Inspection checks.

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